av Breakfast | apr 12, 2019
Forside | Artister 2020 | Frekt og sublimt | Side 2 fagott Per Hannisdal Per Hannisdal (b. 1958) studied the bassoon in Oslo and Geneva. Since 1978 he has been Principal Bassoon of the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra. He has appeared as soloist with Oslo Phil and other...
av Breakfast | apr 12, 2019
Forside | Artister 2019 | Side 4 årets festivalkomponist Erkki-Sven Tüür Erkki-Sven Tüür studied percussion and flute at the Tallinn Georg Ots Music High School (1976–1980) and composition with Prof. Jaan Rääts at the Tallinn Conservatoire (1980–1984). He also took...
av Breakfast | apr 12, 2019
Forside | Artister 2019 | Rampestreker | Side 2 Horn Kjell Adel Lundstrøm Kjell Adel Lundstrøm er født i 1969 og vokste opp i Arendal. Han fikk sin første hornundervisning av sin far som var amatørhornist. Kjell Adel har studert i Bergen med Vidar Olsen, så fulgte...
av Breakfast | mar 10, 2019
Forside | Artister 2022 | Side 2 bratsj Lars Anders Tomter Lars Anders Tomter is one of today’s most outstanding violists. The Giant of the Nordic Viola (The Strad) was born at Hamar, Norway. He began to play the violin at the age of eight and also took up the...
av Breakfast | feb 17, 2016
Forside | Artister 2021v2 | Lunsjkonsert 1 med Fjord Festival Strings-v2 Orkester Fjord Festival Strings Det er med stolthet og glede vi presenterer Fjord Festival Strings – Fjord Classics’ splitter nye festivalorkester. Kjernen i orkestret er 16...
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