av Sean Lewis | jan 26, 2021
Forside | Artister 2021v2 | Bartoks svanesang-v2 Klaver Christian Ihle Hadland In the last decade Christian Ihle Hadland has established himself as a true craftsman of the piano, a musician whose delicate, refined playing and individual touch have led him to the most...
av Breakfast | mai 10, 2020
Forside | Artister 2020v2 Foto: Lluis Calm Vidal Klaver Marina Kan Selvik Marina Kan Selvik er en russisk-norsk pianist. Som prisvinnende solist har hun blant annet opptrådt med blant annet Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester, Trondheim Symfoniorkester, Lithuanian...
av Breakfast | des 20, 2019
Forside | Artister 2020 | Hornblåserens farvel Photo: Bertie Watson Tenor Nicky Spence Opera Singer, Nicky Spence is one of Scotland’s proudest sons and his unique skills as a singing actor and the rare honesty of his musicianship are steadfastly earning him a place...
av Breakfast | des 19, 2019
Forside | Artister 2020 | Frekt og sublimt Photo: Marco Borggreve KLAVER Polina Leschenko Polina Leschenko was born in St Petersburg into a family of musicians and began playing the piano under her father’s guidance at the age of six. Two years later she performed...
av Breakfast | des 19, 2019
Forside | Artister 2020 | Frekt og sublimt klarinett Christoffer Sundqvist Christoffer Sundqvist is one of the leading clarinets of his generation. Alongside his outstanding performances of the classical repertoire, the Finn man is an ambassador for contemporary...
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