Velkommen tilbake til Fjord Classics 2025 - 18.-22. juni
Christian Poltera

Christian Poltera

Forside | Artister 2020 | Frekt og sublimt Photo: Neda Navaee cello Christian Poltera «Christian Poltéra was born in Zürich. After receiving tuition from Nancy Chumachenco and Boris Pergamenschikow, he studied with Heinrich Schiff in Salzburg and Vienna. As a...
Viviane Hagner

Viviane Hagner

Forside | Artister 2020 | Frekt og sublimt Photo: Timm Kölln Fiolin Viviane Hagner Violinist Viviane Hagner has won exceptional praise for her intelligent musicality and passionate artistry. She performs with “poise and magnificent assurance” (The Times, London) and...
Camilla Kjøll

Camilla Kjøll

Forside | Artister 2022 | Side 2 Photo: Sverre Jarild Fiolin Camilla Kjøll Camilla Kjøll er en internasjonalt ettertraktet kammermusiker, solist og orkesterleder. Etter flere år som 1. konsertmester i Den Norske Opera & Ballett og deretter i samme stilling i...
Lars Anders Tomter

Lars Anders Tomter

Forside | Artister 2022 | Side 2 bratsj Lars Anders Tomter Lars Anders Tomter is one of today’s most outstanding violists. The Giant of the Nordic Viola (The Strad) was born at Hamar, Norway. He began to play the violin at the age of eight and also took up the...
Fjord Festival Strings 2021

Fjord Festival Strings 2021

Forside | Artister 2021v2 | Lunsjkonsert 1 med Fjord Festival Strings-v2 Orkester Fjord Festival Strings Det er med stolthet og glede vi presenterer Fjord Festival Strings – Fjord Classics’ splitter nye festivalorkester. Kjernen i orkestret er 16...