by Breakfast | Dec 19, 2019
Forside | Artister 2020 | Frekt og sublimt | Side 2 Fiolin Esther Hoppe «The Swiss violinist Esther Hoppe is amongst the most interesting artists of her generation. Over the recent years she has made a name for herself as a soloist, chamber musician and...
by Breakfast | Apr 12, 2019
Forside | Artister 2022 | Side 2 Photo: Sverre Jarild Fiolin Camilla Kjøll Camilla Kjøll er en internasjonalt ettertraktet kammermusiker, solist og orkesterleder. Etter flere år som 1. konsertmester i Den Norske Opera & Ballett og deretter i samme stilling i...
by Breakfast | Apr 12, 2019
Forside | Artister 2020 | Frekt og sublimt | Side 2 fagott Per Hannisdal Per Hannisdal (b. 1958) studied the bassoon in Oslo and Geneva. Since 1978 he has been Principal Bassoon of the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra. He has appeared as soloist with Oslo Phil and other...
by Sean Lewis | Mar 11, 2019
Forside | Artister 2020 | Frekt og sublimt | Side 2 Kontrabass Janne Saksala When a local youth orchestra was one double-bass short, his teacher asked Janne Saksala, who already played the piano and electric bass, if he wanted to take a crack at the instrument. He...
by Breakfast | Mar 10, 2019
Forside | Artister 2022 | Side 2 bratsj Lars Anders Tomter Lars Anders Tomter is one of today’s most outstanding violists. The Giant of the Nordic Viola (The Strad) was born at Hamar, Norway. He began to play the violin at the age of eight and also took up the...
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